4 Fun Ways to Recall Your Lessons Better

Mnemonic devices are a fun way to retain information for your PTE Online review. You can take your reviewing to a whole new level by creating phrases, acronyms, and rhymes that will help you remember your lessons better. 

The power of mnemonics lies in converting dull and uninspiring information into something vibrant and exciting that sticks out in your mind. Here are some ways to create mnemonics.

4 Fun Ways To Recall Your Lessons Better | JRooz PTE

Using rhymes are simpler to remember because it uses rhyming sounds at the end of each line. However, do not feel obliged to write poetry every time you encounter a hard lesson. Since even simple rhyming pairs can help you remember critical information. 

Thirty days hath September,
 April, June, and November;
 All the rest have thirty-one,
 Save February, with twenty-eight days clear,
 And twenty-nine each leap year.

This example of a short mnemonic rhyme is a great way to remember the days of the months for the entire year.

If you are trying to memorize a list for your PTE online review, making use of acronyms is your best shot. To do this, you take the first letters of the words you are trying to remember and create a word or a phrase out of the letters. 

A famous example of a mnemonic acronym is ROYGBIV, which stands for the colors of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. 

This method is similar to making an acronym wherein a phrase is created where the first letter of each word matches the first letter of the words you want to remember. 

“Every Good Boy Does Fine,” is an example of a mnemonic phrase for the order of musical notes.

Here is a nifty mnemonic generator you may utilize if you are feeling stuck. 

Remember these mnemonic techniques and use them during your classes. If you want to know more study tips, review hacks, and many more, check out our website and see our PTE online packages.


“10 Ways to Make Mnemonics.” East Asia Student.  Accessed on September 23, 2019. Accessed from https://eastasiastudent.net/study/make-mnemonics/

“How to Create Mnemonic Devices That Help Your Students Remember.” Course Arc. Accessed on September 23, 2019. Accessed from https://www.coursearc.com/how-create-mnemonic-devices-help-students-remember/

“Insider’s Guide to Studying – Tip 2: Mnemonic Devices.” Oxford Learning. Accessed on September 23, 2019. Accessed from https://www.oxfordlearning.com/mnemonic-devices/

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